The Steam Deck: A Portable Gaming Revolution

Explore the extensive game library of the Steam Deck portable console, with over 14,000 compatible titles. Learn about tested games, playable options, and how to find compatible titles for an optimal gaming experience.
The Steam Deck: A Portable Gaming Revolution

The Steam Deck: A Portable Gaming Revolution

With the rise of portable gaming consoles, the Steam Deck has emerged as a frontrunner in the handheld gaming market. Launched by Valve in February 2022, the Steam Deck offers a vast library of games, catering to both indie enthusiasts and AAA title fans. The success of the Steam Deck is evident in its compatibility with over 14,000 games, making it a versatile choice for gamers on the go.

Steam Deck Portable Console

Extensive Game Library

The Steam Deck boasts an impressive lineup of games, with more than 14,000 titles available for play. Among these, 4,604 games have been marked as “tested,” ensuring a seamless gaming experience without the need for additional configurations. Additionally, 9,406 games are classified as “playable,” indicating that while they are compatible, some adjustments may be necessary for optimal performance.

Incompatibility Concerns

Despite its extensive game library, there are approximately 3,920 games in the Steam catalogue that do not support the Steam Deck. Gamers should be aware of this limitation to avoid disappointment when trying to access incompatible titles on the portable console.

Finding Compatible Games

To simplify the process of identifying games that support the Steam Deck, users can visit dedicated pages on Steam or utilize platforms like SteamDB. These resources provide valuable insights into game compatibility, ensuring a seamless gaming experience on the Steam Deck.


The Steam Deck’s compatibility with over 14,000 games underscores its position as a leading portable gaming console. With a diverse range of titles available and user-friendly resources for game selection, the Steam Deck offers a compelling gaming experience for enthusiasts of all genres.