
Crystal Breezewood

Crystal Breezewood

211 Posts

With a passion for both pixels and pixels proved wrong, meet the jovial journalist who’s always in for a friendly speedrun. When not glued to screens, you can catch them exploring dungeons in life to uncover hidden treasures!

Dexter Stone

Dexter Stone

196 Posts

With a zest for adventure and a keen eye for details, this journalist from The Nomadic Gamer navigates the ever-evolving world of portable play with enthusiasm. Their witty commentary and knack for uncovering gaming secrets make them a must-read for gamers of all ages.

Jade Thompson

Jade Thompson

199 Posts

With a deep love for all things gaming, this journalist explores the virtual realms of The Nomadic Gamer with unbridled passion and humor. When not gaming, you can find them perfecting their latte art skills in cozy cafes.

Kazuki Watanabe

Kazuki Watanabe

220 Posts

A globe-trotting gaming connoisseur, this journalist’s adventures know no bounds. When not writing captivating articles for The Nomadic Gamer, you can find them hunting for the latest gaming emporium in remote corners of the world.

Lily Thompson

Lily Thompson

202 Posts

With a passion for portable play, Lily Thompson takes readers on an adventurous journey through the world of gaming. When not crafting captivating articles, Lily can be found exploring virtual realms or indulging in retro gaming sessions.

Mia Ramirez

Mia Ramirez

223 Posts

With a deep passion for gaming and a knack for uncovering hidden digital treasures, our journalist immerses readers in the captivating world of portable play one review at a time. When not glued to a screen, you can find them exploring the great outdoors or perfecting their cupcake baking skills.

Riveting Robin

Riveting Robin

225 Posts

Armed with a pen mightier than a flaming sword, Riveting Robin chronicles the fantastical tales of virtual realms where heroes traverse in pixels. When not slaying dragons on her console, she’s unriddling mysteries in the digital cosmos.